
Mother Parish of Our Lady of Purification

Its origin dates back to medieval times, although it has undergone significant transformations over the centuries, especially in the 18th century, which have given it its current appearance.

The main façade features a simple doorway carved in 1875 by the Torres brothers, stonemasons from Estepa. It consists of a single section with a semicircular arch between Tuscan pilasters, supporting a straight entablature, topped by two pyramids with balls and ovals bearing the monogram of Mary with a crown. It is crowned by a stone sculpture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Inside, the Golden Chapel stands out, which since 1840 has housed the Archconfraternity of the Blessed Sacrament and Sacred Heart of Jesus. The chapel is presided over by a Baroque altarpiece attributed to the circle of Bernardo Simón de Pineda from the 17th century, with a silver tabernacle made by the Malagueño José Navas Parejo in 1926. In the central niche is an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, created by the Valencian Damián Pastor y Micó in 1890. Additionally, the chapel preserves a crypt with burials of the Counts of Casa Padilla and their relatives, as well as part of the choir stalls from the former convent of the Poor Clares of Las Coronadas in Aguilar de la Frontera.

Another notable chapel is the Souls Chapel, built by the Brotherhood of the Holy Souls in Purgatory, where they worshiped their patron Saint Michael the Archangel, a work by the Lucena sculptor Pedro de Mena y Gutiérrez in 1764. The main altarpiece is currently occupied by the images of the Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulcher: the Reclining Christ, a sculpture by Andrés Fernández from 1622, and the Virgin of Tears, created by the Sevillian Manuel Pineda Calderón in 1962. On the sides are images of Saint Anne, Saint John the Evangelist, Our Lady of O, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, and Saint Blaise, attributed to various artists from the 18th and 19th centuries.

In the gospel transept, the Baroque altarpiece of Our Lady of the Rosary stands out, attributed to Francisco Dionisio de Ribas around




Children (3-7years)


-2 years


C/ Nombre de la calle nº0 0000, Población, Ciudad