
The Placeta Fountain

A Masterpiece of Ingenuity and Beauty

The Placeta Fountain is renowned for its unique design and ingenious filling system, which was a practical and efficient solution in its time. Featuring four spouts rising from an octagonal pillar, the fountain provided residents with a distinctive way to fill their pitchers. By using a hollow cane with a funnel at the top, the townspeople could collect water directly from the spouts, ensuring that every drop reached their containers without waste.

This simple yet clever system reflects the adaptation of the community to everyday needs, while also giving the fountain a timeless charm.

A Symbol of Identity

The importance of the Placeta Fountain for Alameda is such that it has been immortalized in the municipalitys heraldic shield. This recognition not only highlights its historical value, but also its role in the daily life and collective memory of the town.

Visiting the Placeta Fountain is like opening a window to Alamedas past, where every detail, from the fragility of its stone to the curious way of filling the jugs, tells us about life in another era, traditions and ingenuity. . of its inhabitants.

A joy for visitors

Today the Placeta Fountain remains a meeting point, a place where places and visitors can stop for a moment, not only to admire its architecture, but to connect with the history and spirit of Alameda. This picturesque corner is a reflection of the simplicity and beauty that characterizes this charming municipality in Malaga.




Children (3-7years)


-2 years


C/ Nombre de la calle nº0 0000, Población, Ciudad