
The Odiel Marshes in Huelva

The Odiel Marshes in Huelva host a wide variety of habitats, such as marshes, salt flats, wetlands, and dunes, which support rich biodiversity. Among the bird species observable in this area are flamingos, herons, ospreys, terns, and numerous species of ducks, among others.

In addition to its ecological value, the Odiel Marshes also have economic and social importance, as they provide natural resources such as fishing and salt extraction, as well as recreational and tourist activities like birdwatching and ecotourism.

This natural area has been protected and managed with conservation measures to preserve its biodiversity and ecological functions, being declared a Natural Reserve in 1983 and a Special Protection Area for Birds (ZEPA) in 1989. It is also included in the list of Wetlands of International Importance under the Ramsar Convention.




Children (3-7years)


-2 years


C/ Nombre de la calle nº0 0000, Población, Ciudad