
Seville Cathedral

Built on the site of an ancient Almohad mosque, this majestic cathedral is renowned for its imposing structure, rich history, and impressive collection of sacred art.


The history of Seville Cathedral dates back to the 12th century when Christians reclaimed the city and decided to construct a grand cathedral where the main mosque once stood. The construction began in 1401 under the reign of Ferdinand III and continued for over a century, involving several architects and master builders.


The architecture of Seville Cathedral is a magnificent example of Spanish Gothic style, characterized by its monumental nature, rich decoration, and meticulous detail. The cathedral features an impressive main facade adorned with sculptures, reliefs, and Gothic pinnacles, along with a bell tower known as La Giralda, which has become the symbol of the city.

The interior of the cathedral is equally stunning, with a tall and wide central nave, richly decorated side chapels, and an impressive wooden choir. Notably, the main altarpiece, a masterpiece by Flemish sculptor Pierre Dancart, depicts scenes from the lives of Christ and the Virgin Mary.

Artistic Treasures

Seville Cathedral houses an impressive collection of sacred art, including paintings, sculptures, altarpieces, relics, and valuable liturgical objects. Highlights include the altarpiece of the Main Chapel, created by Alejo Fernández, and the tomb of Cardinal Cisneros, crafted by Italian sculptor Domenico Fancelli.

La Giralda

La Giralda is one of the most distinctive features of Seville Cathedral and one of the most famous bell towers in the world. Originally built in the 12th century as a minaret for the former Almohad mosque, La Giralda rises over 100 meters high and offers breathtaking panoramic views of the city and its surroundings.

Visits and Tourism

Seville Cathedral is one of the most visited monuments in Spain, attracting millions of tourists each year. Visitors can freely explore the interior of the cathedral and climb La Giralda for stunning views. Guided tours and cultural activities are also organized for those who wish to learn more about the cathedral




Children (3-7years)


-2 years


C/ Nombre de la calle nº0 0000, Población, Ciudad