
Roman Villa of Río Verde

Imagine walking through corridors adorned with mosaics depicting stories of marine life: from culinary tools to Mediterranean delicacies that delighted the residents. One of the most impressive features is the polychrome mosaic in Room A, where a central Gorgoneion captivates you while surrounded by black-and-white geometric patterns that bring to life a world of elegance and sophistication.

Archaeological excavations have provided us with an incomplete yet intriguing glimpse of this villa, revealing not only its residential aspect but also the possibility of a working area dedicated to the lucrative industry of fish salting and the production of the coveted purple dye.

In addition to the stunning mosaics, remnants of glazed pottery and metal objects adorn this tangible testament to the trade exchanges that took place between the Mediterranean and the Eastern world. This coastal enclave, with its privileged location, not only offered impressive views but also commercial opportunities that elevated its economic status above other inland villas.




Children (3-7years)


-2 years


C/ Nombre de la calle nº0 0000, Población, Ciudad