
Parroquia de Santa Ana

The church consists of two naves: one central and one lateral. Inside, visitors can admire the semicircular arches and two majestic Tuscan columns made of red marble that support the coffered ceiling. The latter, with its intricate Mudejar design, is a magnificent example of the fusion of architectural styles that characterize the Andalusian region.

Monument to Antonio Molina: Tribute to a Genius of Flamenco

Totalán takes pride in being the birthplace of the brilliant singer Antonio Molina, an emblematic figure of Spanish flamenco. In honor of his legacy, the village erected a bust in his memory in 2003. This monument, created by artist Antonio Gallero, is set on a granite monolith and captures the essence of the cantaor.

In addition to the bust, a commemorative plaque was placed in 2006 recognizing Antonio Molina as an illustrious son of Totalán. This tribute is located in a prominent spot in the village, reminding all visitors of the artist




Children (3-7years)


-2 years


C/ Nombre de la calle nº0 0000, Población, Ciudad