
MAD Estepona

The Museum of Art of the Provincial Council (MAD) of Estepona exhibits works of contemporary art, specifically 21st century paintings by established national artists.

The Provincial Council of Malaga has been in charge of providing content to this space with works acquired through donations from artists who have exhibited in the different exhibition spaces of the institution, purchases of works from different plastic arts competitions held in the Provincial Council and carried out at the International Contemporary Art Fair (ARCO) in Madrid.

The MAD in Estepona houses works produced in the last 18 years by a large group of artists with a large Malaga and Andalusian representation such as the Malaga natives Dadi Dreucol, Enrique Brinkman, Chema Lumbreras and José Carlos Casado; or the Andalusians Santiago Idánez from Jaén, Chema Cobo from Tarifa and Miki Leal from Seville. Judas Arrieta from Gipuzkoa and Andrés Buforn from Aragon also stand out.

In the other two rooms of Casa Tejerinas there are temporary exhibitions.

Free admission.




Children (3-7years)


-2 years


C/ Nombre de la calle nº0 0000, Población, Ciudad