
Monument to Blas Infante

This monument, a masterpiece by sculptor José Ángeles, was inaugurated in 2018 and has become a symbol of Andalusian pride and identity.

A Sculpture that Captures the Spirit of Andalusia

The sculpture, with an imposing presence and serene expression, captures the essence of Blas Infante, a man whose vision and commitment to Andalusia marked a before and after in the history of the region. The monument not only commemorates the man, but also his ideals of freedom, justice and love for his land.

A Place of Reflection and Tribute

Located in the Plaza de la Constitución, a space full of life and history, the monument to Blas Infante invites residents and visitors to stop and reflect on the legacy of this illustrious Andalusian. The square, with its welcoming atmosphere, is the perfect place to pay tribute to a figure who dedicated his life to the fight for the rights and identity of his people.

A Cultural Destination in Alameda

Para quienes visitan Alameda, el monumento a Blas Infante es una parada obligatoria. Más que una obra de arte, es un recordatorio tangible de la historia y los valores que han moldeado a Andalucía. Cada detalle de la escultura, desde su expresión hasta su postura, habla de la determinación y la pasión de un hombre que dejó una huella imborrable en su tierra.

Blas Infante: More than a Monument

This monument is not only an artistic piece, but a meeting point with the living history of Andalusia. It is a place where visitors can connect with the past and better understand the Andalusian spirit that Blas Infante defended with such fervor.




Children (3-7years)


-2 years


C/ Nombre de la calle nº0 0000, Población, Ciudad