
Herradura Castle

In response to this threat, in 1764 Charles III ordered the construction of a defensive castle-fortress that established strategic communication with the watchtowers of Cerro Gordo and Punta de la Mona.

Initially used by the army until 1839 to combat piracy, the castle was later transferred to the Carabinieri Corps, in charge of guaranteeing coastal security and preventing smuggling. After the dissolution of the Carabineros Corps in 1940, it was occupied by the Civil Guard, which used it as a barracks house until 2003. Two years later, the City Council acquired the castle and commissioned its restoration to the Higher Research Council. Scientific (CSIC), culminating in its complete museumization.

The interpretation center "1562 La Furia del Mar" commemorates the tragic shipwreck of the Spanish Navy that occurred in 1562 in the La Herradura cove. This historical event is the central axis of the new museum, inaugurated on March 19, 2021, which seeks to narrate and contextualize this important event in the history of Spanish navigation




Children (3-7years)


-2 years


C/ Nombre de la calle nº0 0000, Población, Ciudad