
Dolmen Cerro de la Corona

The dolmen is a burial site where human remains and ceramics have been discovered, providing a valuable insight into the life and customs of our ancestors. Among the most impressive finds are over 4,000 bone fragments belonging to at least ten individuals, ranging in age from three to forty-five years. These remains speak of a community that lived, worked, and died in these lands thousands of years ago, leaving a legacy that endures to this day.

Visiting the Dolmen Cerro de la Corona feels like traveling back in time. As you walk through this site, one cannot help but feel a connection with the ancient inhabitants of the area, imagining what their lives and rituals were like. The natural surroundings of the dolmen, with its gently rolling landscapes and Mediterranean vegetation, add a touch of magic and serenity to the experience.

This site is a must-visit for history and archaeology enthusiasts, as well as for those seeking a deep connection with the past. The Dolmen Cerro de la Corona is not only a monument to death but also to life, reminding us of the ongoing connection between us and those who came before us in the vast tapestry of human history.




Children (3-7years)


-2 years


C/ Nombre de la calle nº0 0000, Población, Ciudad