
Church of Santiago

This work has been associated with Hernán Ruiz II, although its lengthy construction involved the intervention of other masters, including Juan de Ochoa at later stages.

The construction of the new church began in 1559 and thirty years later it was still half-built. It was not completed until the 17th century, with the construction of the façade, the tower and the doorway corresponding to this last phase. Given the chronology, the medieval style that remained in force until the 16th century was not chosen. With a more Tridentine spirit, a layout was preferred for the temple that would allow for greater spatial unity and, consequently, better vision and hearing, conceiving it as a large nave with side chapels housed between the buttresses.

The large stone interior of the church has lost much with the disappearance of the primitive vault and the semicircular exedra-shaped apse. However, the interior is still embellished by the beautiful 17th century doorways that are preserved at the entrances of some chapels.

The exterior of the church is very spectacular, with the long gallery flanked on the sides by a tight succession of buttresses, evoking a Catalan Gothic temple. At the foot, the bare façade is topped by a gallant, very classicist bell tower, structured using the Serliana scheme: a semicircular opening accompanied by other lintels, articulated by Tuscan pilasters. This arrangement is similar to the bell tower of the cathedral of Córdoba and, above all, to that of the church of San Juan Bautista de Hinojosa del Duque, justifying the attribution to Juan de Ochoa as the author of the project. The tower remains unfinished, since the original project contemplated one more floor of height.

Beneath the tower there is a deep niche that shelters the doorway, distinguished by its noble composition. A pair of Ionic columns supports a curved pediment broken with small volutes, making the church an important example of Cordoban architecture between the 16th and 18th centuries.

Among the unique privileges enjoyed by this church, the jubilee granted by Pius IV on May 15, 1564, at the request of the Belalcázar native Fray Miguel de Medina during his stay in Rome, deserves special mention. By virtue of this privilege, the same indulgences and spiritual graces are obtained that are obtained during the Holy Year by visiting the Eternal City, with the particularity in favor of Belalcázar of being able to obtain said benefit during two days of each year: the Assumption of Our Lady and the Dedication of Saint Michael.




Children (3-7years)


-2 years


C/ Nombre de la calle nº0 0000, Población, Ciudad