
Castle of Monturque

Its history dates back to ancient times, with evidence of Roman foundations that served as the basis for its construction. Its origin is presumed to date back to the Hispano-Muslim period, as it is mentioned as a hins (castle) in 12th-century texts, such as those by the historian al-Idrisi. After the conquest by Ferdinand III of Castile in 1240, the castle passed into Christian hands and was owned by the Council of Córdoba. However, its ownership changed hands several times throughout history, becoming associated with prominent families such as the Aguilar and Córdoba families.

Over the centuries, the castle witnessed numerous historical events, from civil wars to changes in power. In 1709, its ownership passed to the Duchy of Medinaceli, consolidating its legacy as part of the regions historical heritage.

In terms of conservation and restoration, the castle has undergone various interventions over time. In 1987, restoration work was carried out on the keep, and more recently, in 2019 and 2020, additional work was carried out to improve the tourist experience and preserve its structure.

Today, Monturque Castle preserves the imposing keep, as well as the Pentagonal or Chacón tower, along with the parade ground. The keep, square in plan and built of ashlar masonry, is a living testament to medieval architecture, with its pointed arch doorway and small windows evoking times past.




Children (3-7years)


-2 years


C/ Nombre de la calle nº0 0000, Población, Ciudad