
Castle Sohail

In the mid-10th century, the Cordoban caliph Abd al-Rahman III decided to build a small citadel on the ruins of Suel, an ancient Roman settlement. This new construction, probably organized around a watchtower, was intended to strengthen the coastal defenses. In the 12th century, the Almoravids built a defensive enclosure, known as Sohail Castle, which had an irregular layout, eight sections of walls, and several towers, forming a citadel. The main entrance, facing northwest, consisted of a ramp with a barbican and parapet walkway that led to the interior through a gate tower with a notable horseshoe arch and other defensive elements.

The castle was built in stone using various construction techniques, such as masonry with brick courses, adobe, and ashlar, adapting to the needs of the different inhabitants who occupied it over time. Today, the hill on which the castle stands is isolated by the A-7 highway. In ancient times, this hill was connected to another nearby hill by a valley, through which the "Marbella road" ran. The original access ran parallel to the A-7 motorway, from the current main gate to the "El Castillo" service station. Currently, there is a new service entrance, facing southwest, located in the loophole wall.

The geographical and strategic position of the hill on which Sohail Castle stands has favored its continuous occupation since ancient times by Phoenicians, Punic, Romans, Muslims, and Christians. Among the remains found, the Roman garum basins stand out, located at the foot of the hill next to the seafront promenade. The current structure of the castle is a transformation of an ancient citadel built on the Punic-Phoenician and Roman settlements of Suel or Suelitania, which once had the status of a Roman municipality.

On August 7, 1485, during the Reconquista, the castle was captured by the Christians in a battle that practically destroyed it. It was subsequently rebuilt and underwent numerous adaptations according to the needs of its various occupants. During the Peninsular War, on February 8, 1810, French troops under Napoleons command captured the castle. Eight months later, the English general, Lord Blayney, was captured during the Battle of Fuengirola, after a combined Spanish-British army landed in the area. On April 16, 1812, General Ballesteros recaptured Fuengirola and the castle, which returned to Spanish hands. During the retreat, French troops destroyed the southwest tower and parts of the adjacent walls.

Sohail Castle was auctioned and passed into private hands. At various times, it housed detachments of the Spanish Army, Carabineros, and the Civil Guard. During the postwar period, it served as a residence for tuberculosis patients. In 1969, Leopoldo Werne de Bolin, its last private owner, undertook restoration work. In 1989, once it was incorporated into the Municipal Heritage, a comprehensive consolidation and restoration project began.

Between 1990 and 1997, the Sohail Castle School-Workshop was responsible for restoring the site. In 1997, the castles interior and entrances were converted into an auditorium, hosting the annual Fuengirola City Festival. Since 2000, this auditorium has also hosted Las Noches del Castillo (Castle Nights).




Children (3-7years)


-2 years


C/ Nombre de la calle nº0 0000, Población, Ciudad