Its true purpose was as a fortress, intended for the military defense of the territory. Over the centuries, it underwent various renovations, the last being in 1512, under the patronage of Queen Joanna I of Castile, who assumed the costs of the work.
This imposing building has a rectangular floor plan measuring 59 meters from north to south and 51 meters from east to west. Its original name, Burŷ al-Hanaš (Serpent Tower), and the presence of seven towers gave rise to the citys current name and coat of arms. However, only three of the original towers—the Dungeon Tower, the Marshmallow Tower, and the Dove Tower—remain standing today.
In 1963, the Ministry of Culture declared it a Historic-Artistic Monument, recognizing its heritage value. Currently, its parade ground is used as a cultural space and is undergoing cataloging, restoration, and reconstruction. Highlights include the Theater, Music, and Dance Festival (Nights at the Alcazaba) and the Andalusian Dinner, which take place during the summer months. Although the term Alcazaba was adopted politically, its historical and authentic designation corresponds to the term alcázar,reflecting its true purpose throughout history.
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