
What to do in Córdoba

Córdoba, a city that mixes its Roman and Muslim past with a vibrant present, offers a wide range of activities for all tastes. Here are some of the best things you can do in Córdoba:

Visit the Cathedral Mosque

The Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba is one of the most impressive monuments in Spain and a must-see. This building, which combines Islamic and Christian architecture, will leave you speechless with its horseshoe arches, its decorated mihrab and its imposing cathedral nave. You can explore it on your own or join a guided tour to learn more about its fascinating history.

Walk through the Jewish quarter

The Jewish quarter is one of the most charming in Córdoba. Stroll through its narrow cobblestone streets and discover its picturesque whitewashed houses, flower-filled patios and the Córdoba Synagogue, one of the few surviving medieval synagogues in Spain. Don

Explore the Alcázar of the Christian Kings

The Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos is a medieval fortress that offers wonderful views of the city and a rich history. Tour its gardens, fountains and Arab baths, and climb the towers to enjoy panoramic views. The royal baths and Roman mosaics are highlights not to be missed.

Discover the Courtyards of Córdoba

Cordoban patios are famous for their beauty, especially during the Patio Festival in May. However, many patios are open to the public year-round. Take a guided tour to learn the secrets behind these hidden gems, where flowers and plants create a charming atmosphere full of life.

Tour the Roman Bridge and the Torre de la Calahorra

The Roman Bridge, with its 16 arches, is an iconic structure that crosses the Guadalquivir River. On the other side of the bridge, the Torre de la Calahorra houses the Living Museum of Al-Andalus, where you can learn about the coexistence of cultures during the Muslim era. The walk across the bridge at sunset offers spectacular views of the city.

Visit the Viana Palace

The Viana Palace is a beautiful Renaissance palace known for its twelve interior patios, each with its own style and character. This palace offers a unique experience by allowing visitors to explore its gardens and rooms decorated with antique furniture and works of art.

Enjoy local gastronomy

Córdoba is famous for its delicious cuisine. Try traditional dishes such as salmorejo, flamenquines, oxtail and eggplants with honey. The tapas bars in the historic center and Plaza de la Corredera are ideal places to taste local cuisine. You can also visit markets such as Victoria Market to try a variety of dishes in a lively atmosphere.

Participate in activities and shows

Córdoba s cultural life is very vibrant, with numerous flamenco shows, concerts, and events throughout the year. Attend a flamenco show at venues such as El Cardenal or Arte y Sabores to experience the passion and artistry of this traditional dance. Additionally, during Holy Week and the Córdoba Fair, the city is filled with processions, music, and celebrations that will immerse you in the local culture.

Excursions and guided tours

To learn more about the history and culture of Córdoba, you can join themed guided tours, such as historical tours, gastronomic routes or walks through the courtyards. You can also take excursions to nearby places such as Medina Azahara, a palatial city built by Abd al-Rahman III, or to the towns of the Sierra de Córdoba to enjoy nature and fresh air.




Children (3-7years)


-2 years


C/ Nombre de la calle nº0 0000, Población, Ciudad

