
Lance de las Cañas Tower

Constructed with masonry and brick, the Lance de las Cañas Tower features a distinctive horseshoe or hoof shape, with two oblique spurs extending from its back. This unique architectural characteristic adds a special charm to the structure, which stands with an impressive height of 11 meters and a perimeter of over 53 meters.

A Legacy of Carlos III

This imposing tower was erected in the second half of the 18th century, during the reign of Carlos III. Its construction served not only as a key point in the coastal defense network but also left a lasting legacy in the history of Marbella and its inhabitants.

Witness to the Past, Destination of the Present

Today, the Lance de las Cañas Tower remains a prominent landmark on the eastern coast of Marbella. Visitors have the opportunity to explore this historical structure, marvel at its unique architecture, and enjoy the stunning views of the Mediterranean Sea and surrounding beaches.

A Journey Through Time

Entering the Lance de las Cañas Tower allows travelers to immerse themselves in Marbella




Children (3-7years)


-2 years


C/ Nombre de la calle nº0 0000, Población, Ciudad