
The Fernandina Churches Route

These eleven churches, erected by order of Ferdinand III the Saint between the 13th and 14th centuries, are living testimonies of a time of profound changes and urban renaissance. Known as Fernandina Churches, these constructions not only stand out for their medieval architecture, but also for their fundamental role in the repopulation and urban organization of the city, through the creation of collections.

The importance of these temples transcends their architectural value, as they represent historical and spiritual points of reference for the Córdoba community. Among them, the Parish of Nuestra Señora del Carmen in Puerta Nueva stands out, which houses an outstanding work of baroque painting by Juan de Valdés Leal. Likewise, the main temple of the city stands as an imposing symbol that embodies the cultural and religious wealth of Córdoba.

These buildings are not simply static monuments of the past, but continue to fulfill their liturgical function, keeping the flame of faith alive and welcoming generations of faithful. Over the centuries, they have witnessed social, political and artistic transformations, reflecting in their structure and decoration the influences of various periods and styles. Thus, the Fernandina Churches stand as authentic heritage treasures that enrich the urban landscape and cultural identity of Córdoba, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in their history and splendor.




Children (3-7years)


-2 years


C/ Nombre de la calle nº0 0000, Población, Ciudad