
Museum Hospital del Pozo Santo Seville

The Hospital del Pozo Santo is located in the square of the same name. It was founded in 1667 through the initiative of nuns Marta de Jesús Carrillo and Beatriz Jerónima de la Concepción from the Order of Franciscan Tertiaries, both of whom are now laid to rest in the right side wall of the church.

It was originally named after the Blessed Christ Man of Sorrows, with the purpose of assisting women who were bedridden or blind, a mission that continues today as a nursing home for the elderly.

Its colloquial name, Hospital del Pozo Santo, comes from its location in the square of that name, which has an interesting legend: a child who fell into a well at this site was saved after his mother prayed to the Virgin. The waters of the well overflowed, and the child was rescued. Today, only the well




Children (3-7years)


-2 years


C/ Nombre de la calle nº0 0000, Población, Ciudad


Pl. Pozo Santo, 1, Casco Antiguo, 41003 Sevilla