
Cueva de la Zorrera

La Zorrera has a depth of 22 meters and a length of 125 meters, with narrow galleries. Its main entrance is a crack in the rock, with five different openings, three leading to lower levels and two to upper galleries.

The cave has been rich in anthropological finds, mainly in the "Sala del Colgante," with a stalactite ceiling, where dispersed and fragmented materials were found, indicating funeral rites of collective burial. In the "sala de los enterramientos," fragmented skulls and poorly preserved human bones were discovered.

Among the lithic artifacts, there is a flat mill made of limestone and several axes. Flint tools such as blades, knives, and scrapers were found. Decorative objects are scarce and include a shell, a piriform pendant made of jadeite, a necklace bead, and a bracelet. The ceramic fragments are mainly ovoid vessels and cylindrical-necked jars. These discoveries provide a unique insight into the Neolithic past of the region




Children (3-7years)


-2 years


C/ Nombre de la calle nº0 0000, Población, Ciudad