
Iznajar Castle

The first references to the castle date back to the 8th century, during the time of the Emirate of Córdoba, although its origin could date back to earlier periods. Known as the "joyful castle", its Arabic name, "Hisn al-Ashar", reflects its importance as a strategic point on the border between the Nasrid kingdom of Granada and the surrounding Christian territories.

The castle has witnessed numerous events throughout history. During the late Middle Ages, it changed hands repeatedly between Muslims and Christians, being the scene of battles and conflicts. After the definitive conquest by the Christians in 1434, under the reign of Pedro Fernández de Córdoba, the fortress was rebuilt and became part of the Christian domain.

Over the centuries, the castle underwent various transformations. During the 18th century, it was adapted to serve as the residence of the administrator of the Duke of Sessa. However, as time went by, the castle fell into disuse and was left in a state of disrepair.

In 1991, the Iznájar City Council acquired the castle, marking the beginning of a restoration process that culminated in 2007, when it was opened to the public for tourist visits.

The Iznájar Castle has a triangle-shaped plan, with a large central space surrounded by a wall and flanking towers in the southeast and southwest corners. It is surrounded by a barbican and a moat, constituting one of the most unique monumental complexes in the region.

Inside, several towers are preserved, among which the Torre del Homenaje and the southeast tower stand out. In addition, you can see different rooms, such as the cistern, one of the best preserved in the Iberian Peninsula, and remodeled rooms that exhibit historical objects such as weapons and clothing.




Children (3-7years)


-2 years


C/ Nombre de la calle nº0 0000, Población, Ciudad